
How would you rate the purchase with

Yes, my overall experience with this seller has been excellent from start to finish. They always had open communication and were available 24/7 to help me with any questions I had prior to purchase. During the production process, they kept me informed of the progress and the doll was completed very quickly. I was very pleased with the end result. The best thing about this vendor is their commitment and patience with their customers. I highly recommend them and am very grateful.

Uncategorized Product Review

Yes, this doll is absolutely fantastic and lifelike! She is worth every penny. Thank you for all these great gifts. She’s really fantastic. Been wanting to fuck this bitch for a long time, thanks to the seller for making my dream come true lol ….. Communication and customer service was excellent. There were some issues with the delivery but they resolved it quickly. The seller was very helpful and I am very grateful! You can buy with confidence, they are a trustworthy seller.

Uncategorized Is It Worth the Investment?

Yes, nice investment, I’m probably not the “typical” doll owner, being female, under 30, and black, but was delighted to find a doll that didn’t cost thousands and thousands of dollars that was male. So far he is comforting to have around. He isn’t perfect since he’s heavy for me to move around, but I am happy I bought him and thus far I would recommend him to someone looking for a companion, realistic model, or anything else.

Uncategorized Product Review

Yes, very nice doll, I like her, she’s fun. The service was great, thank you, it was my first time patronizing the store and I was very pleased. They kept assuring me that the doll would arrive safely and they did. Overall, I am very happy with my purchase from the website. The customer service was top notch, the quality of the product was excellent, and the little gift in the package made me feel valued as a customer. I would definitely recommend this company to anyone looking for a quality sex doll.


How’s your experience with

Yes, great work, and customer satisfaction with the site is just second to none. This girl is about as good as it gets for me being a near perfect size. Due to physical and strength limitations that’s about as heavy as I can maneuver. After the novelty wore off some, I’ve added another head to the body and she’s now my constant bed time snuggle mate. She is still beautiful and alluring. I have nothing to complain at all!


Is reliable?

Yes, the site is reliable. At first, I was worried that she would look different from the models on the website. But I saw other people’s comments about their dolls and they had the same concern but were wrong after seeing the real thing, so I gave her a chance. I waited a long time because it was ordered during the Lunar New Year, but she was worth it! When she finally arrived, I was blown away by how beautiful she was!


Real Customer Review –

Yes, my doll was even better than expected and I couldn’t be happier. I have purchased 2 dolls from this site and I am very pleased with the results of both. I had an issue with shipping the first time but customer services was excellent and the staff were very helpful! I will definitely be returning in the future for more purchases and I definitely recommend anyone looking to buy a doll to buy from this site.


Do you like

Yes, authorized seller, good quality, reasonable price, great service, can’t recommend enough!!!! Finally received my doll, thank you for the little gift. The real doll is the same as in the video. Soft to the touch, especially the breasts, feels very real. Love its mouth, soft and real. Well made! Definitely worth a try! Thank you so much for the lingerie and other gifts! I could play with it all day. Now I just want to try some new poses with it and laugh!


Real Customer Review –

Yes, this doll is really something. It feels so real to the touch also looks really good just like from the photos. Shipping is lightening fast and customer service is top notch. I would like to thank everyone at the site for an awesome doll. I love the time and work you guys put into it. You guys are truly the best keep up the good work. I look forward to do more business in the future, Thank you.


How would you rate the purchase with

Yes, the customer service and factory work is truly outstanding. While I don’t usually do reviews, this one deserves an exception. With so many beautiful dolls, it was hard to make a choice. Because they all seem to be of good quality. But I ended up choosing this doll. But it turns out that I made the right choice! I have no regrets. Thumbs up! Good quality and good service! Value for money. I will recommend this site to my friends!